
woman receiving chiropractic treatment

Safety In Chiropractic

According to data from NCMIC, less than 1 in 2 million chiropractic neck adjustments may produce a serious adverse effect. (1) Tylenol overdose accounts for nearly half of acute liver failures in the U.S. (2) and if you drive about 8 miles each way to get to your chiropractic appointment, you have a statistically greater risk of a car accident than of having a serious complication from your treatment.” (1)  

woman receiving chiropractic adjustment

New to Chiropractic?

This is to give you a little insight into why things feel the way they do. Your brain is the master computer for your body. It tells your body what to do by sending electrical impulses through your spinal cord and nerves. The bones of your spine are put together beautifully like puzzle pieces, they wrap around the spinal cord, to protect it. When the bones are seated properly there are spaces between those bones for the nerves to exit and go out into the body. If something shifts a bone out of place it can pinch the nerve root and cause pain or dysfunction in the distribution of that nerve.